Harold White Fellows from 2011 to 2014. The Harold White Fellowship program was suspended in 2014 with a new Fellowships and Scholarships program launched from 2016.


Dr Penelope Allison, Reader in Archeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, UK
Material culture and social practices at the Old Kinchega Homestead

Professor John Williams, Dean and Professor, Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide
History of the High Court

Dr Peter Griggs, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, James Cook University
Tea in Australia: an economic and social history

Associate Professor Catherine Kelly, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia
Medicine, law and the lash: the experience of military medical officers

Dr Deborah Jordan, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University
Love Letters of Vance and Nettie Palmer
Fellowship supported by the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust

Associate Professor Ann Elias, Associate Professor in Critical Studies at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney
Modernist imagery of the Great Barrier Reef 1880 -1950

Associate Professor Paul Sharrad, Associate Professor English Literatures, University of Wollongong
Thomas Keneally’s career


Dr Gwenda Tavan, Senior Lecturer Politics, La Trobe University
Arthur Calwell’s Immigration Program

Dr Christine Cheater, Honorary Research Associate, University of Tasmania
Stealing boyhood: the experiences of institutionalised Aboriginal boys pre 1940

Professor Neville Kirk, Emeritus Professor Manchester Metropolitan University
Transnational Connections: Tom Mann (1856-1941), Robert Samuel Ross (1873-1931) and Labour networks in Australia, New Zealand and Britain

Dr Jan Tent, Senior Lecturer Linguistics, Macquarie University
The Dutch Pacific

Ms Alana Valentine, Freelance playwright. 
Letters to Lindy. 
Fellowship supported by the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust.

Dr Kent Fedorowich, Reader in British Imperial and Commonwealth History, Philosophy and Politics, University of the West of England, Bristol
The wartime mission of a truant surgeon: Sir Earle Page’s diary 1941-42 

Professor James Cotton, Visiting Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy
‘H. Duncan Hall: the Australian who invented the Commonwealth’

Dr David Lee, Director, Historical publications and Information Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The minerals boom:1960-2012.
Fellowship supported by the Minerals Council of Australia.


Professor Jim Davidson, Principal Fellow, Australian Centre, School of Historical & Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne
Bigger than Little: 'Meanjin' and 'Overland' and the Little Magazine Culture in Melbourne, 1940-1988

Dr Chi Kong Lai, Reader in Modern Chinese History, University of Queensland
The Power of Hair in Chinese Society, 1500-2010

Professor Satendra Nandan, Foundation Dean & Professor, School of Humanities & Arts, University of Fiji
An Autobiography -- A Fijian-Indian-Australian Experience

Dr Tim Sherratt, Websites Research & Development Officer, National Museum of Australia; Freelance Historian, web developer and cultural data specialist, Adjunct Associate Professor University of Canberra.
The times of our lives: text-mining the meaning of progress

Mr Anthony Lawrence, Poet, Lecturer, Creative Writing & Literature, University of Newcastle
Critical work on the poetry of Robert Adamson.
Fellowship supportedby the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust.

Dr Lyn Gallacher, ABC Radio National Feature Producer
The Nancy Keesing Correspondence.
Fellowship supported by the Ray Mathew and Eva Kollsman Trust. 

Dr Mary Eagle, freelance scholar
Augustus Earle in Australia

Professor Craig Reynolds, Adjunct Professor, School of Culture, History & Language, College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University
Policing and the Power of Thai Amulets

Dr Andrew Selth, Adjunct Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University
Burma's Police Forces

Mr Luke Keogh, Research Assistant, Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland.
Coal Seam Gas: a local history


Dr Beatrice Bijon, Senior Lecturer, Department of English and American Studies, University of Saint-Etienne, France
The Fight for Women's Suffrage. Connecting links between the British and American Movements and the Australian Movement

Dr Martyn Jolly, Head, Photography and Media Arts, School of Art, Research School of Humanities and the Arts, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University
Australian photographs as they were originally published from 1950 to 1980

Mr Richard White, Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Sydney
Touring the Past in Australia

Professor Alistair Thomson, Professor of History, Monash University
Out of the Shadows: Rediscovering Family Men Through Australia 1938 Oral History Project

Professor Stephanie Lawson, Professory of Politics and International Relations, Macquarie University
The Pacific Way: A Critical Reassessment

Dr Amrita Malhi, Visiting fellow, Australian National University
Asian Environments, Australian mines: Regional Resources and Australian Environmental Thinking
Inaugural Minerals Council of Australia Fellow.